First Readers for EAT THE RICH

Header at top, reading: EAT THE RICH

Text, in center: I have an affinity for cannibal stories. Beyond that, I’m a fan of terrible decisions to make, poetic justice, and all kinds of irony. Give me that “oh no, they wouldn’t” feeling. I’m equally delighted by decadent cuisine and gruesome scenes. I love short and visceral (pun intended) but if you can keep making it worse I’ll tag along as long as you can keep it up. Give me a billionaire devoured by natural consequence or for revenge. If they learn any sort of lesson, I prefer they learn it too late.

Bottom: Ria Hill, First Reader
Header at top, reading: EAT THE RICH

Center: B&W photo of Jim Horlock

Bottom: Jim Horlock, First Reader
Header at top, reading: EAT THE RICH

Text, in center: "I’d love something that really catches me off guard and ends up taking me somewhere I wasn’t at all expecting. Set me up and then sideline me with a cool trope subversion (I'm a sucker for those). It’d be great to see something from an unusual point of view, or written in an experimental style that still manages to really nail the brief. Most of all, I want fun!"

Bottom: Jim Horlock, First Reader
Header at top, reading: EAT THE RICH

Center: Photo of M. Lopes da Silva

Bottom, text: M. Lopes da Silva, First Reader
Header at top, reading: EAT THE RICH

Text, in center: "I like a story that's willing to spit in the eye of capitalism, but simultaneously views people with compassion. Give me your heartbreaking, gut-punching, paradigm-shifting scribbles and screams, please. Perspectives grounded in authenticity and love will always shine through for me. Show me what you believe in."

Bottom, text: M. Lopes da Silva, First Reader
Header at top, reading: EAT THE RICH

Center: Photo of Avra Margariti

Bottom, text: Avra Margariti, First Reader
Header at top, reading: EAT THE RICH

Text, in center: "I would love to read twisted tales of molecular gastronomy and how it intersects  with class and privilege. Liminal space stories set inside stomachs, human or artificial. Explorations of the tourist industry and the chaos it wreaks on locals. Cannibalism as a form of love, of hate, and everything in-between."

Bottom, text: Avra Margariti, First Reader
Header at top, reading: EAT THE RICH

Text, in center: "I'd love to read stories that subvert tropes or explore dualities or blend genres. The theme is so broad that writers can play around with tone in surprising ways. Feel free to go straight up classic, or if wild, wacky, heartwarming or raw is your thing, I'd love to read it. Give me metaphors, analogies or allegories."

Bottom, text: Melissa Ren, First Reader
Header at top, reading: EAT THE RICH

Center: Photo of Violet Schwegler

Bottom, text: Violet Schwegler, First Reader
Header at top, reading: EAT THE RICH

Text, in center: "I'm not really looking for anything specific. I like weird, creepy, silly, and have an unhealthy obsession with people getting what they deserve. Take that how you will. If you're worried about anything being too "out there," stop. Your worries are unfounded. Just don't be a bigoted prick. My squirrel army is everywhere. MuahahahaHAHAHAHA!"

Bottom, text: Violet Schwegler, First Reader

2 thoughts on “First Readers for EAT THE RICH

  1. Pingback: The EAT THE RICH Campaign Needs YOU – Eirik Gumeny

  2. Pingback: Fully Funded (and Then Some) – Atomic Carnival Books

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